Sunday, August 19, 2007

Face Painting

Amiri & Ameenah Baraka

Shanna & Amiri Baraka...He has so much heart!!

Shanna & Ameenah Baraka...She is an amazing poet and beautiful was a pleasure to be in her company.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I know I am living when...

I know I am living when I am sharing my art, poetic and visual. This was a great moment!!!

How I Began Painting Boxes

How I Began Painting Boxes

There was a kitchen appliance store on the corner of my street when I was younger. My father would walk me to there every Saturday to choose an empty refrigerator box. I remember thinking he was so strong carrying that big box on his back and walking all the way home.
He would put it in the back yard and get out his box cutter so he could cut an I on two sides and a door that he would open for me. I ran inside and pushed out the windows he cut, and then we would look at each other and smile. “Go get your paint,” he would say, and I did.
I painted flowers under the windows, a window on the door, bricks and birds, and my cat at the bottom waiting to come inside. Then I would move my dolls in and we would play. We had a home until the rain came and it was time for a new box.
Saturday morning trips became a ritual until the winter came and it was too cold to build a home. That is how I began painting boxes.