Tuesday, December 8, 2009


There is nothing normal about these circumstances so it has taken me longer than usual to gather my thoughts about the 5 year anniversary celebration of Lyrical Voices Night of Poetry & Arts. I could go on about how many of you came out in support of art and community, there could be this detailed dialogue about the well crafted collection of words left in that space, we could especially discuss the amount of support and love that was felt days after we left; but I choose to give you an example.
So there is this talented producer, poet, person named Xavier Kemp. He is someone who performs his poetry and moves constantly around the stage. When there is an event to attend he is on his way as long as the dividends and travel allow, he is in the front showing all the love he can exude to the artist before him. He is the person who will listen to your stories until they end and digest your words so he can give a sound response when it is time. Xavier is going through a painful experience with something I have heard called “The Gulf War Syndrome”. He was given vaccines when he enlisted in the service and the levels of metals in them has essentially poisoned his blood to the point that they are destroying his nerves and causing him unbearable pain. The doctors misdiagnosed him and he was being treated for fibromyalgia. As a result he was given medication he shouldn’t have taken and it caused him to have two seizures in a span of two weeks. Walking from one room to another is a struggle.
The beauty of this struggle, amazingly there is beauty in it, is that Xavier’s spirit is not changed at all. He wants to listen to stories to the end and digest your words. It seems he knows his calling is to sit in prayer with people and help them see their light. The music he creates is so spiritually moving and has progressed to levels he did not imagine a few years back. He writes so much truth and there is a degree of needing to be free of pain in the spirit and physical that exudes in each line of each poem, song, or statement. He studies and shares all he is learning so when he is recovered there will be no stopping him from using his life to the benefit of those who walk with him in this journey.
So his mother came to Lyrical Voices to sell juice, salad, and Xavier’s cd’s because Xavier’s medication is expensive and the money from the sales would help cover some costs. She expected to leave with the amount of money you would expect from selling juice and salad, maybe $50 or $100 but she left with three times that amount. This family gave without wanting anything in return, just because of the love they have for Xavier and the need for him to recover. Some people hadn’t even met him but know what pain is and want to help someone feel better. When Xavier told me this I couldn’t even hold the phone. It’s not about the money, it’s about the love and support that was shown to a fellow artist.
Jerome G. (a.k.a. Local Poet a.k.a. Eddie a.k.a. Local) spoke about how so many lives were changed and preserved since Lyrical Voices began and I don’t always know what people go through before and after they leave this space. There have been occasions when someone will pull me to the side and say what this experience has gifted them but I never really saw it firsthand. This is my experience in seeing how something as basic as an open mic can open doors and avenues for connection and healing. It is an honor to have my hand in that and to link my hand to yours because there is no one person responsible for that space. We come together as a community and make it great.
Thanks to all who travelled, drove, walked, hitched a ride…all of that…so they could attend. Your presence is not taken for granted. The energy in that space was something I will never forget. Jamaal and Nile I am grateful for your support of the vision and constant affirmations that Lyrical Voices is on the right path. You are truly my friends and that is something I cherish beyond words. Buddha LuvJonz, you are amazing and your constant growth is something I am blessed to witness. You’re my family and I am glad that the creator saw fit for it to be so. Ajani you take beautiful pictures and your dedication to Lyrical Voices and our friendship means so much. Alicia, I am glad you made room for your art because it reflects your spirit…nothing less than beautiful. Suselle, you said you wanted it and you got it, you are an excellent massage therapist and you are always welcome to work it out at Lyrical Voices . Gerald Moore, thanks for the loving space and welcome for all these poets and artists. You are so supportive and we appreciate all that you do to make Lyrical Voices possible.

The next Lyrical Voices is Feb.19th. Details to arrive soon.

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